In my old job I had the shortest commute ever: 0.66 miles, three minutes, give or take. By the time I got the bike out of the shed, I could have walked there. Even worse, I was still late into work.
These days I'm working in Apsley - a whole five miles away!
It ain't much, but it's something: 20 minutes down the A41, dodging the cars and vans and getting the heart rate up. How quickly I do it depends on the prevailing wind (behind, going) and how the lights are running.
Red lights and queues of traffic are a pain and there are a couple of junctions where it just makes more sense for me to run the light and get out of everyone's way. It's amazing how some drivers get riled up though - pathetic twats that they are. There's something about seeing a cyclist pedalling past a queue of traffic that really gets on some driver's tits. Next thing you know, they're roaring past, shaking their fist, pounding the horn, WTF! Get a fucking life, loooozer!
All I can do is either give them the finger or gesture in their rear view mirror to maybe pull over so we can have a proper 'chat' about it. Funny, but when they realise the size of the thing they've just given a load of shit to, they're off into the distance. Wimps.
Look, I know jumping red lights is bad, but honestly, there are times when it's just safer for a cyclist to be away from that queued-up mass of metal - it's not as if I'm holding anyone up is it?
Anyway, the mapmyride route for the commute is below. Yeah, it's only 10 miles a day, there and back, but it's better than nothing. Bloody uphill on the way back too!
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